Who we are



The CCG/ZGDV Institute is a private non-profit entity that began its activity in 1993 and is currently based in Guimarães, at the Azurém Campus (University of Minho).




It is formally recognized by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers as an R&I (Research and Innovation) institution of Public Utility, by the Ministry of Economy as a Center for Technology and Innovation, and by the Foundation for Science and Technology as part of the ALGORITMI Research Center (first Research Center formally recognized in Portugal in the field of Information and Communication Technologies)




With a multidisciplinary, dynamic team with scientific-technological skills, the CCG/ZGDV Institute integrates four R&I Departments and a range of services to society and the business sector.

R&I Departments





“(...) I believe that this 30 years of knowledge will be decisive so that the CCG/ZGDV's newly strategic objective, relating to the challenge of sustainable development of society, is faced with enormous enthusiasm and determination, on a path that requires an explicit and complete internationalization of its performance. I am sure that the next 30 years will be even more fascinating”


Ricardo J. Machado | President of the Board of Directors


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