Home About Infrastructures
Advanced technological infrastructures to better respond to market needs and future digital challenges
Home About Infrastructures


The CCG/ZGDV Institute has several technological structures to increase innovation, project demonstrations, improvements in internal processes, and the ability to innovate continuously


Digital Showroom

Designed in an immersive and technologically advanced environment, this space is dedicated to presenting the latest CCG/ZGDV research projects. It features a large screen for displaying detailed visualizations and complex simulations, allowing visitors to explore every aspect of the innovations developed. Recent equipment, such as augmented reality devices and powerful computers, allows for dynamic interactions and immersive educational experiences. This demonstration facility is also a space for experimentation and training in technologies ranging from artificial intelligence to data visualization and human-machine interaction.

Living Labs


CAVE - Cave Automatic Virtual Environment

An infrastructure dedicated to experimentation with immersive virtual environments, the CAVE has a projection surface where stereoscopic 3D images are projected, combined with a motion tracking system that determines the position and orientation of an observer in real-time. The system adjusts the image's perspective to match the viewer's point of view and generates coherent spatialized sound for a perceptually accurate multimodal experience. Unlike traditional VR devices, users are immersed in a virtual environment without completely losing sight of the real world. This mixed reality experience allows free movement over a wide area. The infrastructure is beneficial for observing large plans, such as architectural or urban environments, and examining virtual models of complex structures, such as molecular or astronomical formations.

CAVE - Cave Automatic Virtual Environment
CAVE - Cave Automatic Virtual Environment
CAVE - Cave Automatic Virtual Environment
CAVE - Cave Automatic Virtual Environment
CAVE - Cave Automatic Virtual Environment



DSM Simulator - Driving Simulator 

DSM Simulator includes two driving simulators: one for four-wheeled vehicles and one for two-wheeled vehicles. Both feature a vehicle mockup (four-wheeled and two-wheeled, respectively) surrounded by a 180º screen that offers a view of a virtual world perceptually coherent with the driver's position. The surrounding scenarios (roads, landscapes) are fully customizable according to the experience desired by the driver. These devices act as prototyping tools, allowing users to have a safe driving experience while experimenting with new Human-Machine Interaction concepts focused on the CCAM (Connected, Cooperative, and Autonomous Mobility) domain. They also allow new road infrastructures to be tested from the driver's perspective, speeding up identifying design problems and safety risks.


Simulador de Condução Rodoviário
Simulador de Condução Rodoviário
Simulador de Condução Rodoviário
Simulador de Condução Rodoviário

Digital Infrastructures



It is equipped with a software-defined infrastructure based on VMware, including vSphere, vCenter, vSAN, and Veeam for backup, which provides high availability, scalability, and operational efficiency. The environment is continuously monitored with temperature, humidity, air quality, and flood detection sensors, ensuring optimal conditions for equipment operation. Advanced fire detection and extinguishing systems with energy gas protect against fire risks, ensuring the integrity of critical assets.

The Data Center supports all types of workloads, including AI and deep Learning, and provides housing and Infrastructure-as-a-service services to third parties. These technologies provide a secure, resilient, optimized operation to meet dynamic business needs.


Data Center
Data Center

Laboratory and Test Facilities


Laboratory for Applied Research in Software Products Testing and Certification

Designed to conduct tests, trials, inspections, verifications, and validations in preparation for software certification. It has a robust and highly specialized technological infrastructure, with a network of high-performance servers offering virtualized environments for testing, complemented by a wide range of physical devices. The laboratory is supported by a secure and redundant network, guaranteeing high availability and protection against failures. It has testing tools to speed up testing, guaranteeing reusability and accuracy. The laboratory adopts quality management and information security systems to ensure compliance with norms and standards. It has access control and sensitive data protection policies, ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of information.


Laboratórios e Instalações de Teste
Laboratórios e Instalações de Teste



Laboratory for Applied Research in Software Engineering and Data Intelligence

It is equipped with high-performance computing clusters, advanced data storage solutions, and software development tools. This laboratory carries out R&D projects in software engineering. It focuses on creating robust, scalable, and efficient software systems that take advantage of the latest advances in software engineering, namely scalable and secure software architectures, technologies such as cloud computing, and DevOps practices. In terms of data intelligence, it develops advanced algorithms and models using supervised and unsupervised learning techniques, deep learning, natural language processing, reinforcement learning, and practical implementations of these techniques.


Laboratório Engenharia de Software e Inteligência nos Dados
Laboratório Engenharia de Software e Inteligência nos Dados



Laboratory for Applied Research in Processing and Computer Vision

 Robust and highly specialized technological infrastructure, equipped with high-performance servers and graphics processing capacity (GPU, TPU...) for inference with deep learning models. It also allows for implementing vision software as a service (SASS), consumed by different types of demonstrators. It has a set of standards for developing and testing vision algorithms that are as close as possible to the image sensor. It has a set of RGB, Multispectral, Thermal, and Linear Matrix cameras. It has fixed and portable 3D sensors for surveying 3D point clouds for industrial applications and optical quality inspections. It has test scenarios on an experimental scale for capturing images and videos of objects on production lines and conveyor belts. 


Laboratório de Investigação Aplicada em Processamento e Visão por Computador
Laboratório Processamento e Visão por Computador



Laboratory for Applied Research in Building Information Modeling

They are designed to develop solutions to support collaborative digital design, construction, and virtual management of the built environment and other structures. It has a highly specialized technological infrastructure, equipped with high-performance servers and graphics processing capacity (GPU, TPU) to store and share project data between building owners, architects, specialist planners, contractors and operators. With software that converts planning into a 3D virtual model, with the ability to develop applications for the interoperable visualization of BIM models in 3-D, immersive, and interactive environments using VR glasses. With laser and photogrammetric technology for creating point clouds, it is possible to monitor the progress and quality of construction to serve as detailed geometric references during the BIM modeling of buildings and infrastructures.


Laboratório BIM
Laboratório BIM



Laboratory for Applied Research in Simulation and Digital Twins

Dedicated to advancing the digital twins technological fields and simulation technologies, this laboratory focuses on high-fidelity model development, integration with IoT devices to feed real-time data into digital twins, the anticipation of system failures, and proactive maintenance scheduling, thus reducing downtime and costs; and, process optimization, to improve efficiency and performance in various applications, from manufacturing to urban infrastructures. In the context of simulation, it involves the use of random variables and probability distributions to model and analyze complex, inherently uncertain systems, with a strong focus on (1) Modeling random processes, (2) Using Monte Carlo simulations, (3) Queuing theory with the application of stochastic models; and, (4) Quantifying uncertainty.


Laboratório Simulação e Digital Twin
Laboratório Simulação e Digital Twin



Laboratory for Applied Research in Cyber-Physical Systems

Equipped with multi-technology, from oscilloscopes and soldering stations to 3D printers and prototyping platforms. In this laboratory, teams from the different Research and Innovation departments find an environment conducive to integrating their specialties. This holistic approach drives innovation and allows complex problems to be solved comprehensively. From developing intelligent medical devices to optimizing sustainable energy systems, the laboratory promotes a constant exchange of ideas and methods. More than a physical space, it catalyzes discoveries that transcend disciplinary boundaries, giving researchers the tools to tackle global challenges with practical and impactful interdisciplinary solutions.


Laboratório de Sistemas Ciberfísicos
Laboratórios de Sistemas Ciberfísicos



Laboratory for Applied Research in Human-Machine Interaction

Studies complex sociotechnical systems that involve 1) cyber-physical devices equipped with automation, 2) humans in the role of operators of these devices, and 3) the surrounding physical and social environment. Its main objective is the development of intuitive human-machine interfaces. The laboratory focuses on interaction design, understanding user needs, and observational and experimental studies. These studies involve test subjects interacting with functional prototypes, mockups, or finished products to improve interaction iteratively. It is a multidisciplinary laboratory, combining skills ranging from engineering to design and social sciences. By bringing the user closer to the research product, the laboratory helps align R&D with the actual needs of companies and citizens, an essential tool in the CCG's technology transfer mission.


Laboratório HMI
Laboratório HMI



Laboratory for Applied Research in Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality

Advanced infrastructure for extended reality experiences. AR/VR headsets, haptic gloves, and other equipment make creating and testing virtual and augmented environments possible. It targets innovations in different sectors such as industry, heritage, health, textiles, footwear, architecture, and construction, promoting total immersion in simulated scenarios. The infrastructure supports autonomous devices, guaranteeing mobility and exceptional user experiences.  It is an XR experimentation center that offers diverse devices that explore interactivity and immersion. Designed to develop advanced solutions, it is a valuable resource for professionals and enthusiasts looking to transcend the limits of reality.


Extended Laboratory
Laboratory Extended Reality


Laboratory for Applied Research in Cognitive and Collaborative Robotics

Unlike traditional robots, collaborative robots can operate near humans, guaranteeing their safety, and can be used for direct support tasks. On the other hand, cognitive robots combine safety with the ability to interact directly, fluidly, and intuitively. They are equipped with sensors and control systems that allow them to understand the actions and needs of the human partner and respond to them in a complementary way, in a dynamic of true joint action. This laboratory aims to develop and test this type of intelligent robotic system. Its focus is developing control architectures inspired by the cognitive processes supporting human-to-human interaction and user-centered design principles. Its main motivation is the expansion of robotics into contexts that still need to be improved due to their complexity and need for human participation.


Laboratory Robotics
Laboratory Robotics