In collaboration with our clients and partners, we operate in various economic sectors
Software industry, ICT and media

We support the software, ICT and new media industries in developing new ways of interacting, storing, processing and exploring information, satisfying their needs and demands for innovation in processes, products and services, thus expanding their capacity for innovation.

Digital transformation in manufacturing and process industry

We invest in innovation in the manufacturing industry and processes through the transfer, development and implementation of innovative technologies to optimize production processes, reduce costs and improve quality control, complemented with training within organizations, in order to adopt and integrate these technologies in its operations.

Smart cities, smart mobility, and smart energy

We invest in experience and innovative technologies that generate a relevant impact in terms of optimizing the allocation of resources, reducing costs and gas emissions, and improving global sustainability. We establish partnerships with municipal authorities and companies, which intend to integrate these technologies into their operations, products and services.

Intelligent building and environment

We support the creation of smarter working and living environments, through the development and implementation of innovative technologies, including: Building Information Modelling, Internet of Things sensors, Artificial Intelligence, for better optimization of resource management, reduction of costs and increased sustainability.

Digital heritage, culture, and tourism

We have a long history of activity in the field of digital heritage, culture and tourism, through the development and implementation of innovative technologies in the areas of virtual, augmented and mixed reality, geolocation and mobile applications, which allow the preservation, access and promotion of cultural heritage , as well as enhancing the visitor experience.

eHealth and medical care

We contribute to innovation in e-health through the transfer of technology and knowledge, in the process of developing solutions for patients and healthcare professionals, which guarantee important aspects such as safety in the use and preservation of data, compliance with medical standards, suitability of the user profile and interoperability.

Sustainability and circular economy

We support the development and implementation of innovative technologies and solutions, with a view to including sustainable practices. We are committed to creating integrative platforms, innovative processes and value chain systems. The implementation of intelligent systems for resource management and the use of big data and AI analyzes to optimize processes and reduce environmental impact, while simultaneously allowing traceability of the entire production process, in an efficient and sustainable way, are technological examples that drive the transition to a more circular economy.

Agriculture and Forestry Industry
Aeronautics, Space and Defence

We develop and implement innovative digital technologies and platforms to improve the delivery of public services, strengthen citizen engagement and participation, promote transparency and accountability, and simplify administrative processes. We collaborate with government agencies and other stakeholders to design and implement e-government initiatives that align with national priorities and respond to the needs of citizens and businesses.