Home Communication Message from the Chairman of the Board of Directors - Ricardo J. Machado
Message from the Chairman of the Board of Directors - Ricardo J. Machado
17 July, 2023



Since its creation in 1993, the CCG/ZGDV has assisted, accompanied and helped the World in its continuous, rapid and accentuated change. In 1993 and for almost a decade, computer graphics and traditionally related technologies made CCG/ZGDV a pioneering institution in Portugal in the promotion and transfer of those technologies to the economy and society in general. From the 2000s, with the headquarters of the CCG/ZGDV on the Azurém Campus of the University of Minho, the foundations were laid for transversal action in all subdomains of Information and Communication Technologies, giving rise to its current structure, embodied in four research and innovation departments in the areas of computer graphics, ubiquitous computing, person-computer interaction and information engineering, which combine refined scientific skills in artificial intelligence and information visualization with excellent prototyping capabilities and development of complex computational solutions.

This evolution of CCG/ZGDV has been the result of its permanent and intense effort towards the innovation of its partners and customers, with operations as diverse as the software industry, the industrial processes and equipment goods industry, the defence industry and aeronautics, the forestry industry and precision agriculture, the circular economy and energy, health and the environment, smart cities and urban mobility, e-governance, creative industries and tourism, education and culture.

The vast experience of the CCG/ZGDV in these sectors, acquired over 30 years, led to the attribution, by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, of the Public Utility Statute for the scientific services provided to society, as well as the recognition, by the Ministry of Economy, as a Center for Technology and Innovation, which is why the CCG/ZGDV Institute is today considered a national reference institution in technological research, applied to the digital transformation of organizations.

I believe that this 30 years of knowledge will be decisive so that the CCG/ZGDV's newly strategic objective, relating to the challenge of sustainable development of society, is faced with enormous enthusiasm and determination, on a path that requires an explicit and complete internationalization of its performance. I'm sure the next 30 years will be even more fascinating!

July, 2023

Ricardo J. Machado

President of the Board of Directors

CCG/ZGDV Institute


