Home Communication 1st ProChild CoLAB International Meeting
1st ProChild CoLAB International Meeting
29 November, 2023

The first International Meeting of ProChild CoLAB was held at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation on November 27th, focusing on the public petition for the Pact for Children, bringing together academics, professionals representatives of various public and private entities, and decision-makers politicians.

At this meeting, several topics were discussed focusing on the role of children and their rights, especially in social promotion and inclusion, as well as the fight against child poverty and the promotion of their well-being.

ProChil CoLAB, through its public petition for the Pact for Children, intends for children to be a national priority, with the adoption of commitments, active public policy measures, and concrete actions to implement the Pact for Children, as stated in your message.

The CCG/ZGDV, as a member of the management of this collaborative laboratory, was present at this first International Meeting, contributing to the promotion and strengthening of all the pillars of the Pact for Children.

