Home Communication UMinho Research and Innovation Open Days
UMinho Research and Innovation Open Days
16 January, 2024

The 1st edition of “UMinho Research and Innovation Open Days” will take place on the 30th and 31st of January, on the Gualtar campus.

This is an event that will bring together, over two days, the research produced from the "UMinho universe" in which CCG/ZGDV will take part. In one of the sessions, the President of CCG/ZGDV, Ricardo J. Machado, will be present in the panel on the Innovation Ecosystem: the Role of CTIs, Colabs, Interfaces and Spinoffs.

The program will consist of seven sessions that include, for example, the presentation of projects, the activity of associated laboratories, the institution's spinoffs and workshops and will help to outline the profile of research produced by the institution.