Home Communication Generative Artificial Intelligence is the theme of the Engineering Roadmap at CCG/ZGDV Institute
Generative Artificial Intelligence is the theme of the Engineering Roadmap at CCG/ZGDV Institute
5 September, 2024

On September 19th, the CCG/ZGDV Institute will receive a new edition of the Engineering Guides, from the Order of Engineers - Northern Region (OERN), with a visit to the Deucalion supercomputer.


The CCG/ZGDV Institute will host an Engineering Roadmap session on September 19th with the theme of Generative Artificial Intelligence. This session will also include a visit to the Deucalion Supercomputer

The Engineering Route, promoted by the Order of Engineers of the Northern Region, will feature a round table on Advanced Computing, moderated by Ricardo J. Machado, president of CCG/ZGDV and with the participation of João Nuno Ferreira, from FCT, João Vilaça, from IPCA, Paulo Cortez, researcher at CCG/ZGDV Institute and Miguel Nóbrega from IPC/UMinho.
Pedro Arezes, president of the UM School of Engineering, and Bento Aires, president of the OERN Board of Directors, will be in charge of opening the respective conference in this session.

This new edition addresses a current and future topic: Generative Artificial Intelligence. It offers the opportunity to discover Deucalion, a petascale supercomputer capable of executing 10 Petaflops (10 million billion calculations per second).

See the entire schedule here.


