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Training and managing competences: the way to organizational success
16 September, 2024

Many organizations now recognize that their most valuable asset is human capital. This intangible asset is difficult to measure and is usually associated with factors such as education levels, experience, and the personal, social, and technical skills used to carry out professional tasks and define the organizational culture.

Human capital management is essential for pursuing organizations' strategic objectives and increasing productivity, innovation capacity, and adaptation to new clients, markets, and production processes. In this context, it is inevitable that the knowledge and skills of employees, who individually contribute to and strengthen collective intelligence and organizational success, will be valued.


Competence assessment and diagnosis of training needs

Assuming that competencies are the set of knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behaviors that an employee possesses and which are mobilized for the successful performance of a particular function or in a specific context, it is crucial to correlate the demands of the tasks with the competencies that are inherent to their effective implementation. In this logic of diagnosing and evaluating the competencies that are most directly related to and mobilized for achieving the objectives and activities of a job or project, the balance of competencies and the survey of training needs take shape.


Developing new skills and adapting to change: a natural and effective interconnection 

In a social and organizational context of constant change, the integration of new working methods and processes, and technological disruption, it is essential to invest in developing new skills that promote and enable adaptation to these changes and innovation processes. In this sense, continuous training plays a key role, making it essential for organizations to invest in training their employees, enriching their competitive advantage and the value of their human capital.

The value of continuous training has become imperative, both in its reskilling aspect, by promoting the learning of new skills associated with carrying out new tasks, functions or introducing new working methods and tools, for example, learning to operate a new machine, a new computer system, or even applying Artificial Intelligence methods and algorithms, and in its upskilling aspect, by deepening, optimizing and updating skills already acquired, to improve knowledge in areas in which one is already involved, increasing mastery of the subject and thus being prepared for new challenges.


Training for competitiveness

Therefore, it is essential to invest in continuous employee training as a means of maintaining competitiveness, training the ability to adapt to change, improving professional performance, and increasing productivity.

An organization that does not value its employees' training will eventually become extinct, humanly decapitalized, and obsolete.


By: Ana Alves // Head of the CCG/ZGDV Training Office