Home Research and Innovation Projects City Catalyst:
City Catalyst:
Date: 2020-2023

Smart cities, smart mobility, and smart energy


Research and Development under Contract


Software Engineering and Data Intelligence


Artificial intelligence, machine learning, and decision support systems
Ontologies and interoperability



The mobilizing project “City Catalyst – catalyst for sustainable cities” aims to investigate and develop new products, processes and services with high potential, contributing to integrated, efficient and innovation-catalyzing urban management, based on specific contributions to the implementation and interoperability of urban platforms.



The increasing production of large amounts of data, which include a high number of attributes, makes the existence of normalization, storage and machine learning approaches essential to dynamically deal with data sets of different types.

The City Catalyst project aims to standardize, decentralize and model information, with the aim of adding value to it, regardless of its source or domain.


Develop demonstrators in the cities of Porto, Aveiro, Guimarães, and Vila Nova de Famalicão to validate the functioning of new products, processes, and services resulting from research and development activities. ​​​​​​​​



The project is structured around five main R&D lines, pioneers from the perspective of smart and sustainable cities:

  • Sensing, communication and computational processing infrastructures

  • Information security and privacy

  • Data models and interfaces

  • Open innovation and co-creation processes for the competitiveness of smart cities

  • Development of systems that promote sustainability in cities



CCG/ZGDV contributes to the City Catalyst project, through the I&I department, EPMQ, with the development of technologies related to the standardization, decentralization and modeling of information, namely:  



  • Development of urban platforms information standardization solutions to an internationally accepted format, facilitating the sharing of information between different stakeholders
  • Creation of a federated platform, which aims to share a catalog of standardized data through access control to them in a standard format, allowing the management of the information that each of the participants can access
  • Development of an AutoML platform (AI4CITY), which consists of a generic artificial intelligence solution capable of generating predictions for data from different areas easily and efficiently, supporting decision-making in various contexts